Institutional line for information: 022-792-077 Specialized anti-corruption line: 022-290-800 Specialized anti-corruption line: 022-257-333 National anti-corruption line: 0-800-55555

General policy and objectives of the Laboratory

General policy and objectives of the Laboratory

The policy of the Laboratory

The policy regarding the quality of laboratory tests of the Public Institution “Central laboratory for testing alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages and canned goods” is to provide high quality services in the field of testing of foodstuffs, wine products, alcoholic, non-alcoholic beverages and the respective raw materials, and to satisfy our clients requirements, as well as legal ones.

Our goal is to prevent non-conformities at all stages of product testing. This is achieved by maintaining a management system in accordance with SM EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

The permanent preoccupation of the management for the maintenance, implementation and continuous improvement of the efficiency of the management system and quality of our services are basic elements in the development strategy of the laboratory. Therefore, the top management makes every effort to ensure all the necessary resources and to achieve the set objectives.

The documented management system establishes the commitment and cooperation of all the specialists of the Laboratory and is maintained through audits and analyzes, in order to ensure its continuous development and efficiency.

The general objectives of the laboratory are:

  • satisfying customer requests in strict accordance with the principles of impartiality;
  • quality assurance of the services provided in accordance with the requirements of the SM EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, technical regulations and standards;
  • providing services at an optimal cost;
  • prevention, detection and correction of all non-conformities regarding the quality of the services provided;
  • maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with external suppliers.
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